[ DataNinja  DataPlatform  Speaker  Cloud  Databricks  ]

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I’ve been selected as a speaker at the prestigious Data + AI Summit 2024 in San Francisco, taking place from June 10-13 2024. It’s an incredible honor to be chosen alongside Karthik Subbarao for this landmark event. Representing Schwarz Group and SCRM - Lidl International Hub on this international stage is truly a proud moment.


Session Highlight: “Unity Catalog Migration in Europe’s Top Supermarket Chain”

In our session, we will dive deep into the topic “Unity Catalog Migration in Europe’s Top Supermarket Chain.” This presentation will highlight how we migrated to UC at Lidl Plus without service disruption

We’ll cover:

  • Seamless Transition: How we managed to ensure zero downtime during the migration of our extensive infrastructure.
  • Technical Insights: Detailed exploration of the technical challenges and solutions we implemented.
  • Team Effort: Celebrating the relentless spirit and innovative mindset of our team at SCRM.

Behind the Scenes: The Team

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the outstanding support and hard work of my colleagues at SCRM. A special shout-out to:

  • Jaume Civit
  • Eduardo Segarra
  • Ruben Mejias Calderon
  • Helena Giménez Millán
  • Hugo Lopes
  • Miguel López
  • Jordi Casanovas Muñoz
  • Marta Domínguez
  • Leandro Szikora

…and many others who have contributed to this success. Your dedication is truly commendable.

Join the Conversation

I invite you all to join the conversation about the evolving landscape of data management and AI. What challenges do you foresee? How do you envision the future of data architecture? Let’s start a discussion in the comments below.

Learn More

For more details on our session, visit: Unity Catalog Migration in Europe’s Top Supermarket Chain